UCCRN North American Hub
The North American Hub of the Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN) was established in the Fall of 2016 at Drexel University, in Philadelphia, PA. Three core goals have been established to guide its activities. The first goal is to promote two-way dialogue between urban decision-makers across North America and UCCRN researchers. Hub researchers will provide knowledge regarding climate change impacts and the effectiveness of various adaptation and mitigation strategies to urban decision-makers; in turn, urban decision-makers will help ensure that the Hub researchers are asking policy-relevant research questions with the potential to produce actionable results. The second goal is to consolidate and mainstream relevant domain knowledge, for example regarding information gaps, known opportunities and constraints to different adaptation and/or mitigation strategies, and lessons learned from pilot projects and programs. The third and final goal involves networking and mobilizing activities, specifically by enhancing interactions between researchers, cities, students, and other existing networks (most of which are practitioner, and not research-based).
Goal 1: Two-Way Dialogue
Goal 2: Knowledge Consolidation
Goal 3: Networking & Mobilization